Thursday, June 11, 2009

High Times for Bring Me The Horizon

Bring Me The Horizon's Melbourne show easily takes the crown for the best night of my life (I exaggerate a little). We rocked up early and had to wait in a monster line for what seemed like forever. Once we got into club billboard the red and purple goth lamps, mad stage setup and massive moshspace gave us a good feeling about what we were about to witness.

Red Shore absolutely killed it. I've only heard parts of their stuff before but they put on a mint show. Cancer Bats got us pumped to head into the mosh and the crowds hearts started pounding and fists started swinging when vocalist, Liam Cormier gave the word. The bats definitely take a spot in my favourite artists. The songs were incredibly catchy and the band put in a fuckload of energy that ripped the stage to pieces.

After those two acts the curtains closed and i scrambled back into the mosh trying not to spill my drink. The guy next to me leaned over and said, "we have to protect you," "from what?" I exclaimed, "from what's about to happen..."

The curtains roll up and Oli jumps out of the smoke backed by the bands electric beats. When the chorus hit, you had to move with the crowd or you would get pummelled like a ladybug. And by move I mean jump as high as you can, scream as much as you can and elbow anyone thats in your immediate vicinity as hard as you can. Inbetween trying to keep all my teeth and using people as launch pads, i managed to get a few photos and videos with decent quality. Every song made the crowd forget everything and just go mental. It was like being in a room full of meerkats on speed.

Faces were melted, blood had been spilled and about ten million bring me fans walked out with giant grins trying to remember every bit of the show that now seemed like a blur.

Half way through, I realised that my phone and bring me tee i had just purchased had escaped my purse and I started to panic as i started searching before the next song started. No luck, so i decided to forget about my stuff and continued to have an awesome time. By the end of it as the floorspace was emptying i found my phone and merch right up at the front of the stage (I was second row for most of it). Both the phone and tee were still in good nick so we high tailed it back to our hotel room dragging our energy-drained bodies through the streets of Melbourne. And the next day we ate some mighty fine sushi. Mighty fine.

More pics here